Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Aloe Vera Barbadensis Jelly

At Evolving Nutrition we often receive calls from practitioners looking for a product to help with everything from mosquito bites, to an itchy rash due to an allergic reaction, or even the dreaded PUPP rash found in pregnancy. While we normally suggest products to help support the immune system, that often times can take longer than a patient is willing to wait for relief. When that is the case, we have often times referred practitioners to the product described below, because two of our employees, who suffer from severe allergic reactions, have reported feeling immediate relief. upon application.

* Please note that we are not affiliated with L'BRI PURE n' NATURAL in any way, we just believe in being as helpful as possible!

 Aloe Vera Barbadensis Jelly is a product no home should be without. Knowledge about Aloe Vera and its healing properties has been passed down from the ancients.  Aloe has been known for hundreds of years as the medicine plant, the healing plant, and also Cleopatra’s beauty secret! It contains 75 nutrients, 200 active compounds, 20 essential minerals, 18 amino acids, and 12 vitamins. The trace minerals, vitamins, especially some important members of the vitamin B family, and the enzymes contained in the gel-like juice found in the inner cells of the plant, perform all the magic.

Used topically, Aloe jelly has been well documented to facilitate the healing of any kind of skin wounds, burns or scalds, and even speeding recovery time after surgery. A pure unadulterated gel speeds the healing of cuts, scrapes, burns, bruises and sprains. Aloe takes the sting away and immediately calms sunburn and insect bites. It works quickly to calm irritated and inflamed skin, instantly taking away the itch. In most cases, using Aloe jelly cuts the healing time right in half!

Aloe Vera works extremely well in fading scar tissue from past burns, old wounds, and suture marks. It also can be used on blisters, rashes, sores, athlete’s foot, allergic reactions, psoriasis, rosacea, eczema, and dry skin.  Simply apply Aloe jelly to affected areas as needed.  For scar tissue, be sure to apply twice daily. Aloe Vera jelly is also recommended as a light weight moisturizer gel to be used on excessively oily skin and blemished skin to control breakouts and speed the healing of blemishes.

Aloe Vera jelly is for all skin types. It penetrates quickly to calm and sooth irritated or inflamed skin.  It acts as a natural bandage to help the healing of blemished skin. No medicine cabinet should be without it!

This is one truly miraculous plant! 

If you have questions about aloe or would like to reach out to a consultant at L'BRI PURE n' NATURAL, please contact Kathy Stubbs (Senior Consultant and Certified Skin Care Consultant) at or you can visit her website at!

Monday, June 23, 2014

Naturopathic Medicine for Global Health Clinic in Panajachel, Guatemala

We are proud to support Dr. Beeson in her endeavors in Guatemala. Please continue to read below about her invaluable work with Naturopathic Medicine for Global Health Clinic.

Dear Interested & generous friends,

Thank you sincerely for your donation of product for the patients at the Naturopathic Medicine for Global Health Clinic  (NMGH)in Panajachel, Guatemala.
You can rest assured that all your offerings were put to excellent use. I spent one week treating patients who have little in the way of medical resources and I used the vitamins and probiotics proudly and gratefully, in treating the local population from babies to the elderly.
The people who came to the clinic included the indigenous people from the 11 villages surrounding Lake Atitlan, in south western Guatemala, who sell their wares in the street booths, and the Ladinos who live and work in all walks of life. They pay nothing or what amounts to $2.50, if they can. The clinic offers screening for malnutrition for babies and children, performed at no cost by the public health workers.  It also feature home health visits, to follow up patients after their visits to the clinic, and a weekly woman’s clinic held by a Guatemalan ObGyn doctor.
It is a different experience to diagnose and treat patients with limited access to diagnostic services, such as laboratory testing, imaging [xrays, MRIs] and minimal resources in the way of supplements and medications. It was necessary to quickly assess what was available in the small dispensary and use my fledgling Spanish to educate and recommend home treatments and nutritional advice.

As in the United States, diabetes is a national health crisis. However rice, tortillas and beans are staples in the local diets, with animal protein generally too expensive for most folks to afford on a daily basis. And, unfortunately, simple, refined sugars and starches are cheap and readily available in the form of soda and white bread & pastry items.

My hope is to help establish a residency site for naturopathic residents and to continue to support the work @ NMGH. Your confidence in me and generous response to my request are greatly appreciated.

In gratitude,

Margaret Beeson, ND

Monday, March 17, 2014

Aloe Vera for Your Hair, by Kathy Stubbs

Aloe Vera for Your Hair, by Kathy Stubbs

Hair issues, such as hair loss, thinning, excessive dryness, itchiness around the scalp, and dandruff, can make any one frustrated. To get rid of these hair problems people will try all sorts of remedies. Like many other remedies for healthy hair, using products with Aloe Vera is quite popular. In fact, it has been popularly used by many cultures as one of the top remedies for hair related issues.

Aloe Vera is a short stemmed plant; its leaves are thick and fleshy with grayish green color. It produces a yellowish flower on a spike towards the top. It is mainly the gel of the leaves that is used in hair care products.  

Just look around and you will be amazed to find different hair care products such as hair cream, shampoo, conditioner and so on with Aloe Vera as one of the main ingredients. This is mainly because Aloe Vera is good for hair. It contains more than 20 minerals and vitamin A, B1, B2, B6, B12, C and E that are essential for healthy hair.

The many hair benefits of Aloe Vera:

Reduces Sebum - Sebum is a naturally produced oily substance secreted by the hair glands. Sebum helps in keeping the scalp well moisturized, but excess amount of sebum can hamper healthy hair. When excess sebum accumulates on the scalp, it mixes with dirt and blocks the pore from where hair grows out. The antibacterial properties of Aloe Vera help the problem of build-up of excess sebum on the scalp.

Balances pH Level - Aloe Vera contains a kind of enzyme that helps cleanse the scalp by balancing the pH level of the scalp. When the scalp is clean and blood circulation to the scalp is good, hair growth is healthier. 

Great Moisturizer - Aloe Vera also acts as a great source of moisturizer for the scalp and hair follicles. It contains over 20 minerals and vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, B12, C and E. When your hair is getting all the necessary vitamins and minerals, you will enjoy healthier hair.

Conditioner for Hair - Aloe Vera is also a great natural hair conditioner. Regular use of Aloe Vera will help in restoring the sheen, luster, and shine of your hair. It also makes hair soft without any trace of dryness. The best thing about Aloe Vera is that it does not have greasy buildup that many hair care products often leave behind.

Stops Dandruff - Aloe Vera is a cooling agent so it helps in preventing dryness that often causes dandruff. It also has anti-fungal properties which stops dandruff and prevents it from reoccurring. As Aloe Vera helps in keeping the natural oil of hair in balance there will never be the problem of hair dryness. Also Aloe Vera brings a refreshing and cooling sensation to the scalp.

You can try many hair care products containing Aloe Vera. There are gels, shampoos, conditioners, and hair creams, to name a few. Natural Aloe Vera hair care products are an ideal alternative to commercial hair products which have harsh chemicals in them. 

Important Note:  There is no doubt that Aloe Vera is a great natural product for your hair. Using Aloe Vera for various hair related problems is safe, natural, and affordable. But you must remember that there are a variety of different causes for hair loss, such as scalp infections, reactions to medications, illness, vitamin or mineral deficiencies and other medical reasons. Please consult a doctor to discover the actual cause behind your hair problem. This will help to determine if Aloe Vera can effectively treat you and get you back into healthy hair.


If you have questions about aloe or would like to reach out to a consultant at L'BRI PURE n' NATURAL, please contact Kathy Stubbs (Senior Consultant and Certified Skin Care Consultant) at or you can visit her website at!