Tuesday, October 15, 2013

The Clear Mind Diet – Food for a Healthy Mood, by Dr. Corey Schuler, MS, DC, CNS, LN

Our Chief Scientific Advisor, Dr. Corey Schuler recently released a teaser to his Clear Mind program to improve serious mood issues, cravings, and brain health.

"Bipolar disorder is sometimes referred to by its older, more familiar name: manic depression. This is highly descriptive but also a very isolating term for those who suffer from the condition. When it comes to mood, these individuals have higher than average highs and lower lows.

While more than 6 million people in the US are diagnosed with bipolar disorder, there are likely many more who are undiagnosed. These people go through each day not realizing that their lack of sleep at night, their need for naps during the day, the tendency to crave drugs or alcohol, and the angry outbursts and irritability followed by sadness, are more than simply"...to read the full article, click HERE



Monday, June 10, 2013

Leaving Caffeine Behind is a Mental Disorder, by Dr. Corey Schuler

Leaving Caffeine Behind is a Mental Disorder

Because I’m immature, ever since Starbucks introduced their new lighter “blonde” roast and their size nomenclature violates the small, medium, large that I grew up on, my favorite thing to do is to go through the drive-through and order “Two, Tall, hot Blondes, please.” Of course, I am always corrected by the barista, “You’d like two blonde roasts in the tall size, no ice?” which I’m sure she expects to be a less chauvinistic version of my idiocy, but I laugh to myself each time nevertheless. I guess it is my version of “You said ‘butt’, hehe.” And while many of us thought that paying $5 for a tasty herbal beverage was the real mental disorder, we’ll have to wait for DSM-VI for that diagnosis because a new one is on the table.

If you are a committed coffee drinker or enjoy a few too many caffeinated sodas or drinks on the weekends and are considering modifying your habits, your morning routine and entire world as you know it now has new implications. You may be crazy.

As part of the roll-out of ICD-10, the International Classification of Disease version 10, that medical rule book that places you squarely into a box based on a series of 3-5 digits, the DSM-V (American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders version five) has a quirky new diagnosis that may affect you.
It is called withdrawal from caffeine intoxication. The diagnosis is well meaning. People who consume 250 mg of caffeine can experience caffeine intoxication and can fundamentally change their brain chemistry and the withdrawal period of this drug, yes drug, is now a listed and recognized diagnostic mental disorder. How much is 250 mg?
  • 12 ounces (Tall) Starbucks Coffee            
  • 32-56 ounces of green tea, brewed for 3 minutes            
  • 100 ounces of most sodas (5 – 20 ounce bottles)
  • 1.5-16 ounce cans of most energy drinks
  • 1.9 ounces of 5-Hour Energy (contains about 208 mg)
Caffeine-related disorders include intoxication which first made it into the DSM-IV in 2011 with symptoms of restlessness, nervousness, excitement, insomnia, flushed face, excessive urination (diuresis), gastrointestinal disturbance, muscle twitching, rambling flow of thought and speech, tachycardia or cardiac arrhythmia, periods of inexhaustibility or unintentional motion (psychomotor agitation). If you know me at all, you might not recognize me if I didn’t express these symptoms.

Caffeine withdrawal and its inclusion as a mental disorder started rumbling almost 10 years ago when an article appeared in Psychopharmacology where researchers from American University (Washington, DC a bastion of caffeine consumption) wrote about the symptoms of withdrawal including
  • Headache
  • Fatigue
  • Decreased energy/activeness
  • Decreased alertness
  • Drowsiness
  • Decreased contentedness
  • Depressed mood
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Irritability
  • Foggy/not clearheaded
  • Flu-like symptoms
  • Nausea/vomiting
  • Muscle pain/stiffness
With a list of symptoms like this, I’m starting to believe this should be included in the manual. They go on to say “the incidence of headache was 50% and the incidence of clinically significant distress or functional impairment was 13%.” Those are high numbers for withdrawal from a widely available, freely distributed, and highly utilized drug.

What is interesting to me is that they noted that these symptoms of caffeine withdrawal tend to occur 12-24 hours after the high and continue for 2-9 days. 

And this may come as no shock, but the higher the daily dose of caffeine, the worse the symptoms. What I found really curious is that symptoms were caused by doses as low as 100 mg. They concluded, mind you, this is 2004, “The caffeine-withdrawal syndrome has been well characterized and there is sufficient empirical evidence to warrant inclusion of caffeine withdrawal as a disorder in the DSM and revision of diagnostic criteria in the ICD.” It is 2013 and now it is included. So instead of being shocked, maybe we should be appalled at how long this inclusion took!I can attest to the validity of the new withdrawal diagnosis. As part of my support of a client who is training for a bikini competition, I gave up, with her, coffee for the month of June. On May 31st, I enjoyed a medium Americano and probably a pot of home-brew in expectation of the worst month of my life.

June 1st hit hard. The entire first week, I exhibited all of the tell-tale signs of an addict. I searched for every version of “coffee-methadone” I could find. I even [gasp] drank a soda, which has no redeeming qualities. I just about sputtered it out and certainly tried to neutralize the toxins with pH Quintessence the 40:1 concentration of alfalfa from Natural Health International as well as SoleTherapy from Original Himalayan Crystal Salt. Yes, the symptoms are transient, but they are intense. Headache and irritability were my symptoms. I’m still writing apology notes.

In regards to the inclusion of withdrawal from caffeine intoxication into the DSM-V, I have some concerns that should perhaps be addressed sooner than later. With the public discourse on gun control and the implication of mental disease being the basis of failing a background check, will reduction in the routine overconsumption of energy drinks be the cause of limited civil liberties? “Sorry guys, I’d love to go to the range with you for the afternoon of the bachelor party, but I recently stopped a two venti a day habit, so I can’t go.”  I recognize, I’m in the realm of hyperbole, but the reality is that while new legislation is aimed at safety and reduction of violence, the possible unintended consequence is a further reluctance to seek mental health help. Different topic for a different day.

As for me, I’ve learned my lesson. I have been controlled by a substance for far too long. However, I enjoy coffee for its flavor, its effects, and health benefits, and will find a more healthful way to enjoy my warm beverage of choice.
There is a take home point. For those who are embarking upon a new detoxification program, a new health habit, or simply shifting your gears in relation to the food, supplements, or medications you are using, please remember that it is not always the addition of a substance that causes symptoms, but it can also be the removal of substances that causes symptoms (or improvements). The next substances you might see in an article like this might be sugar (sucrose or fructose) or any of the artificial sweeteners (sucralose aka Splenda, aspartame, acesulfame potassium aka ace-K). So, don’t just tell your healthcare provider what you started to fix your problem, but also tell them what you stopped. 

Reference: Juliano LM, Griffiths RR. A critical review of caffeine withdrawal: empirical validation of symptoms and signs, incidence, severity, and associated features. Psychopharmacology (Berl). 2004 Oct;176(1):1-29. Epub 2004 Sep 21.

Monday, May 13, 2013

We Are Hiring!

Evolving Nutrition Is Looking To Hire Insides Sales Representatives!

An Inside Sales Representative is responsible for generating new business by following up on inbound marketing leads, qualifying their needs, selling nutraceutical products from the brands Evolving Nutrition offers, and developing strong customer satisfaction via phone (inside sales) and web contact. Please note that this is a contract position.

This representative will be responsible to:

  • Set their own monthly goals
  • Meet and exceed monthly goals
  • Provide prompt phone/email follow up to all inbound leads and properly document and track results
  • Make calls to healthcare professionals and clinics in a designated territory
  • Feel comfortable speaking on the phone with doctors and office managers
  • Build and maintain knowledge base of the brands Evolving Nutrition offers

  • Excellent verbal (via telephone) and written(via email) communication skills Strong listening skills and presentation skills
  • Ability to build strong rapport, establish trust and credibility through a consultative approach, and balance assertive sales follow-up
  • A self-starter who can effectively work from home. This is strictly a work from home position during normal business hours.
  • Time Management skills -- able to manage multiple priorities effectively
  • Highly effective at web-based product demonstrations


·         Commission only

 If you are highly motivated, energetic and seek the challenges & rewards of supporting healthcare practitioners in their nutritional needs, we would like to hear from you! This is a unique opportunity to work in a rapidly-growing, fast-paced organization that believes that the customer’s needs come first. We offer you the ability to work from home and set your own monthly obtainable monthly quotas. To apply please email your resume and cover letter to info@evolvingnutrition.com. Please make sure that you title your email in the subject line “I Love Evolving Nutrition”.

Evolving Nutrition is a family owned nutraceutical distributorship providing professional grade supplements and superior customer service. We make it our mission to set the industry standards in customer service, and to partner with practitioners in their nutraceutical needs, while treating each client with the compassion and respect they deserve. For additional information please visit our website at www.evolvingnutrition.com

Friday, April 5, 2013

Irritable Bowel Syndrome by David Musnick MD

Irritable Bowel Syndrome by David Musnick MD 

Irritable Bowel Syndrome(IBS) is a functional gastrointestinal condition. It is the most common gastrointestinal condition that is diagnosed in the US and Canada. The US prevalence is estimated at 10-15% of the population. There is a higher incidence in women than men and the incidence appears to increase with age. The diagnostic criteria are:

1.      Recurrent and intermittent abdominal pain for at least 3 days per month in the last 3 months. The pain is periumbilical and can be fairly widespread. The pain is usually mild to moderate but not severe. The abdominal pain can be set off by foods, stress etc. For the diagnosis the abdominal pain must have been a consistent but not necessarily constant symptom.
And at least 2 of the following symptoms:

1.      Gas and bloating.

2.      Irregular frequency of stools. The patient may have constipation or diarrhea. Often these patients have multiple unformed stools per day. (Note: of concern is more than 4 watery stools per day.  Also cause for concern would be any blood in the stools as this is not associated with IBS).

3.      Mucous in the stools. This is a minor criterion.

4.      Straining and urgency with bowel movements or incomplete emptying.

Causes of IBS

One known cause is post-GI infection IBS in which the GI infection precedes the onset of IBS or makes it a lot worse.

There appears to be a dysregulation of the enteric nervous system in all forms of IBS and thus there is sensitization of the GI nervous system. This leads to abdominal pain with less provocation and less gas and distention.

Patients with fibromyalgia are at more risk for developing IBS and there appears to be some inflammatory cytokines involved in the pathophysiology.

Contributing and Aggravating Factors

1.      Food allergies can trigger worsening of IBS and need to be tested for and treated.

2.      Gluten sensitivity and celiac disease need to be checked with antibody panels or specialized arrays from Cyrex Labs.

3.      GI inflammation.

4.      Deficiencies of stomach acid and pancreatic enzymes can make IBS worse

5.      Dysbiosis in the small and large intestine can make IBS significantly worse. Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth can make IBS worse.

6.      Leaky gut

7.      NSAIDS

8.      Stress

9.      Dysfunction of the enteric nervous system. There appears to be sensitization of this system. The implications of this is that it takes less to trigger and set off abdominal pain. A little gas may trigger pain in a patient with IBS compared to a patient without IBS. The degree of this sensitization can vary patient to patient.

10.   Gastroenteritis can greatly flare up IBS.

11.  Menstruation can aggravate IBS.

Approach to Treatment

1.      Determine if the patient has a constipation-dominant IBS or a loose stool, diarrhea-dominant IBS. For constipation-dominant recommend magnesium-rich foods. Add magnesium in supplement form in either a powder or capsule. The oxide form is more likely to lead to bowel movement output. Consider also powdered vitamin C 3-5 grams to achieve bowel movements without an actual laxative. Also use aerobic exercise 20-40 minutes per day to improve GI motility.  Consider adding some non-absorbable sugars like xylitol-containing gum unless that provokes pain. For diarrhea and loose stool IBS limit all of the non-absorbable sugars. For this type consider all of the below recommendations including a low FODMAPS diet (fermentable oligo-, di- and mono-saccharides, and polyols) if the other recommendations are not enough.

2.      When taking any mineral or bone products make sure there is a balance of magnesium with it or take extra supplemental magnesium. Evolving Nutrition offers Tri-Magnesium (BioGenesis).

3.      Use and introduce fiber in small amounts. Try to use food-based fiber sources first and if unsuccessful introduce small amounts of fiber in a supplement form. Monitor carefully to make sure the fiber does not increase symptoms. Limit wheat bran fiber. If you use a fiber supplement do not use it in the morning and use more soluble than insoluble fiber. Do not introduce very much supplemental fiber especially in diarrhea-dominant IBS. Always have a lot of water with the fiber.

4.      Consider the addition of lubricant type foods such as: chia, flaxseed, toasted sesame oil, olive oil, okra, leeks, etc.

5.      Limit caffeine in diarrhea-prone IBS. Use caffeine in constipation-dominant IBS.

6.      Limit or eliminate irritant-prone foods such as: alcohol, sugar, non-absorbable sweeteners, sugar alcohols, etc.

7.      Use an anti-inflammatory diet.

8.      Avoid long periods of time with the patient going without food. Ask them to eat protein regularly.

9.      Avoid eating sweets, chips and other non-nutritive foods.

10.  Test for food allergies with at least an IgG panel as well as test for gluten sensitivity.

11.  Eliminate all allergic foods. If the patient is gluten sensitive they must eliminate all gluten completely and consistently.

12.  Eliminate NSAIDS and spicy foods.

13.  Start treating the leaky gut syndrome with supplements to heal the GI lining. Consider Intestinal Repair Complex powder mixed in water in between meals for at least one month. Consider adding extraL-glutamine powder with BioGenesis GlutaminePowder.

14.  Use a good probiotic that resists stomach acid or is protected from the stomach acid and use at least 5 billion organisms per day. The strains that have been tested and show efficacy in IBS are: Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG and LC705, Bifidobacterium breve, VSL#3, Bifidobacterium animalis as well as Bifidobacterium infantis, Streptoccocus thermophilus and Lactobacillus bulgaricus. Consider BioGenesis Pro Flora Colonizer.

15.  Run a test for stool parasites and dysbiotic bacteria and yeast. If you find them, treat them. Consider BioGenesis Para Biotic Plus to treat parasites and dysbiotic bacteria.

16.  Support digestion with BioGenesis PanZyme or VegiZyme.

17.  If necessary, support stomach acid with Betaine HCL.

18.  Consider zinc carnosine to also aid in healing the gut lining.

19.  Consider curcumin to treat the inflammatory component if the prior steps do not work well enough. Use highly bioavailable forms.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Is Your Detox Coming Up Short?

Is your Detox coming up short?
(written by Clair Dainard MS, CN -Director of Practitioner Services with Desbio)

We are all aware of the importance detoxification and you probably practice it regularly in your clinic. But what are you really doing when you detox a patient? Are you focusing on a particular organ system – such as the GI or liver?  Are you using nutraceuticals or herbal remedies that target or emphasize a particular pathway?

While these single-system/single-remedy approaches can be effective for cleansing one organ system, they provide little benefit when it comes to cleansing the whole body. Many of  the most damaging toxins reside in deep, hard-to-reach places such as the central nervous system and in the interstitial space between cells. In order to be released, these toxins must be targeted and guided in their path through the body until they are safely eliminated. Your typical single-organ detox is incapable of reaching these deeply harbored toxins, and even worse, can cause toxins to get "stuck" and recirculate in the body due to inadequate support of the elimination route. 

The OmniCleanse Whole BodyDetox System supersedes all other detoxification programs by providing Whole-Body Detox Support

  • The only combined approach that utilizes the 3 pillars of integrative medicine:  Nutritionals, Botanicals, and Homeopathics
  • Supports each step in the detoxification pathway, with homeopathics and nutraceuticals that target the brain, spine, and extracellular space while facilitating detoxification and drainage of the GI, liver, lymph, kidneys and bladder
  • Can be used as part of the 14-Day OmniCleanse Detox Program or as a daily detoxification support regime
  • OmniCleanse Powder: A powdered beverage providing nutritional and botanical support for full body detoxification.
  • OmniCleanse Capsules: High-potency ingredients for the support of liver phase 1:2 detoxiffication processes.

Please contact Evolving Nutrition with any questions you may have by calling (800) 458-0891 or emailing at info@evolvingnutrition.com. You can also visit their website at www.evolvingnutrition.com .

Monday, February 18, 2013

Shake It Up!

Shake It Up! (blog post written by Dr. Spencer Hoffman, DC)
Point Pleasant, NJ – Is the lack of variety with your morning protein smoothie getting you down? Are you having a hard time staying compliant with your weight loss program because of it? Then don’t just trudge on or give in…Shake It UP!!!The benefits of a high quality protein smoothie are numerous. It can help keep you feeling fuller longer, keep your blood sugar stable, decrease cortisol levels, boost immune function as well as increase energy and thermogenesis. Wouldn’t you agree those are things you would want to have in an effective weight management program? So, why are you giving up? Don’t give up…Shake it up!!!

I personally recommend using a blender rather than a shaker cup. You are able to get much more creative with a blender. To keep things fresh and avoid the boredom make sure you keep plenty of fresh and frozen fruit on hand. You can always find frozen fruit in your local supermarket or warehouse store. If what you are looking for isn’t in season fresh, frozen is a great option. They are picked and frozen at the peak of ripeness keeping their nutrient content high. Instead of water or milk try using coconut or almond milk. My personal favorite is So Delicious Coconut milk.
There are many different types of protein powders on the market. They are NOTcreated equal. There are differences in quality, contaminants, and sources. Do you prefer a whey protein or a vegan protein?  There are pros and cons to each. You also need to look at how it is sweetened. Are you trying to avoid artificial sweeteners? Then you’ll need to pay very careful attention to the ingredient list.  Many of them contain multiple artificial sweeteners as well as artificial flavors.

This certainly isn’t an exhaustive review. I’m just trying to get the conversation started. For more information on my whey and vegan protein powders of choice or just to say hi feel free to contact me at info@hoffmanfamilychiropractic.com.

For a little variety give this recipe a try:

o    6-8 ounces of fresh brewed chai tea

o    2-4 ounces of coconut milk

o    2 scoops of Vanilla Ultralean

o    crushed ice

Mix the chai, coconut milk and protein in a blender adding crushed ice to the desired consistency. Pour into a tall glass and enjoy a protein packed chai latte.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Sole Therapy Using Original Himalayan Crystal Salt

Replacing your fluids is the number one recommendation by all healthcare practitioners and moms when you get the flu. Sports drinks, sodas, and other formulas often contain sugar or artificial sweeteners, and all sorts of hard to pronounce ...ingredients.

Sole Therapy using Original Himalayan Crystal Salt contains 84 minerals and provides excellent hydration benefits. It can be used several times per day short term or once daily long term.
If you are interested in receiving the directions on how to mix the Sole Therapy, please contact us at info@evolvingnutrition.com and we will email you the requested information.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Ease DOMS and Get Patient Back on Track!

Ease DOMS and Get Patient Back on Track!

(written for Evolving Nutrition by Dr. Corey Schuler from The Metabolic Treatment Center )

Delayed-Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS) usually develops 12-48 hours after intensive and/or unusual eccentric muscle action such as walking down a hill or lowering weights. Most of us know when we train hard (intensively) that we will be sore, but “unusual eccentric muscle action” also explains why doing a completely new exercise, even on very low weights, can have the same soreness the next day. It is also important to highlight that DOMS result from the “eccentric muscle action” which is the opposite phase to what we would expect (e.g. it is when we lower ourselves in a push up, or lower ourselves in a squat, or lower the bar in a bicep curl versus the concentric phase such as pushing in a push up). That is why it is walking down hill that results in DOMS, not walking up as most of us would naturally assume!

 When we are new (or renewed) to training, our sweat is actually fundamentally different than those elite or seasoned athletes. New athletes and deconditioned individuals have excessively salty sweat. This is because our body has yet to adapt to the excess perspiration. Until our kidneys catch up with our enthusiasm, we are susceptible to that salty ring on our gym shirts. This is a critical time to replenish our electrolytes. Most commercially available sports drinks are woefully inadequate in regards to the full spectrum of actual electrolytes and simultaneously contain either excess sugar or worse, artificial sweeteners. Sole (so-lay) therapy using Original Himalayan Crystal Salt is a suitable alternative. Prepared using all 84 minerals from the pristine Himalayans, Sole can be used twice daily by new athletes and after the most strenuous exercises.
New or higher level activity is a stress. Typically we think of it as a “good” stress, but the line is thin between good and too much. I explain to patients that we “thicken the line” by supporting with neuroendocrine system and reducing the stress response. In my practice I use RevolutionPRO for men to support the neuroendocrine system and our body’s ability to adapt to exercise and our increased need for energy.  In a very interesting study, maca was studied in cyclists. After only 14 days of use, long distance times were improved with the additional benefit of increased sexual desire.[i]  The takeaway from this study is that the broad spectrum results seen with maca should not be understated and perhaps only looking at one marker is not the appropriate way to measure adaptogenic herbs. We saw this with the studies of FemmenessencePRO for women as well. Maca, especially when phenotypes are carefully chosen and solubility is maximized, can impact multiple hormones and blood sugar in the system in a positive way including performance and possibly recovery.

Melatonin is becoming well-known for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory capacity. Melatonin and exercise have reciprocal benefits. As discussed, strenuous exercise causes oxidative stress and more specifically can deplete melatonin levels. Melatonin use can increase the low levels and also combat the free radical production and restore function.[ii]  A group of researchers gave football players a high dose of melatonin (6 mg) before a training session. None of the players fell asleep during the experiment. However, these researchers concluded that melatonin offered a significant benefit.[iii] The question we would ask is in regards to dose. Is 6 mg the appropriate dose for midday activity or would a lower dose offer similar benefits?  In very different athlete type, runners, a different group found that use of melatonin before exercise supported the biochemical markers of stress.[iv]  Again, no runners fell asleep on the track. HerbatoninPRO is a plant-based melatonin product that is naturally slow release and comes in both the physiologic 0.3 mg dose and the higher 3 mg dose for short term use.


In review, for delayed-onset muscle soreness, consider the following

·         Get a massage or acupuncture treatment

·         Use compression therapy if soreness is localized to a single joint

·         RevolutionPRO for men, 4 capsules per day or your regular dose

·         FemmenessencePRO for women, 4 capsules per day or your regular dose

·         3-4 liters of water per day with 2 daily doses of Sole using Original Himalayan Crystal Salt

·         Sole bath using Original Himalayan Crystal Salt

·         HerbatoninPRO 0.3mg, 1 capsule each night or prior to intense exercise

·         Green tea extract, 100 mg four times daily or four cups of brewed tea

·         Glutamine, 2-20 grams daily

·         Magnesium, 300-400 mg  daily

·         Fish oil, 2-3 grams daily

·         Get back in the gym, but this time, go a tinge lighter

For the full article, including complete analysis of additional therapies for DOMS, email corey@evolvingnutrition.com and you can request the podcast HERE.

[i] Stone M, Ibarra A, Roller M, Zangara A, Stevenson E. A pilot investigation into the effect of maca supplementation on physical activity and sexual desire in sportsmen. J Ethnopharmacol. 2009 Dec 10;126(3):574-6.
[ii] Escames G, Ozturk G, Baño-Otálora B, Pozo MJ, Madrid JA, Reiter RJ, Serrano E, Concepción M, Acuña-Castroviejo D. Exercise and melatonin in humans: reciprocal benefits. J Pineal Res. 2012 Jan;52(1):1-11.
[iii] Maldonado MD, Manfredi M, Ribas-Serna J, Garcia-Moreno H, Calvo JR. Physiol Behav. Melatonin administrated immediately before an intense exercise reverses oxidative stress, improves immunological defenses and lipid metabolism in football players.  2012 Mar 20;105(5):1099-103.
[iv] Ochoa JJ, Díaz-Castro J, Kajarabille N, García C, Guisado IM, De Teresa C, Guisado R. Melatonin supplementation ameliorates oxidative stress and inflammatory signaling induced by strenuous exercise in adult human males. J Pineal Res. 2011 Nov;51(4):373-80.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

DHEA and 7-Keto DHEA

DHEA and 7-Keto DHEA support weight loss and sexual health,
written by Dr Corey Schuler

Women tend to lose DHEA at a faster rate than men as they age. Because of this, much research has been done regarding the effects of DHEA and women’s health, specifically, sexual health.  Aside from the increased risk of osteoporosis and heart disease as women age, sexual function and interest tends to decline as well (Yasui, 2012).  One study found that daily oral DHEA therapy at the dose of 10 mg provided a significant improvement in sexual function and in frequency of sexual intercourse in early postmenopausal women (Genazzani, 2011). 

Newer research is showing that a metabolite of DHEA, namely the 7-hydroxylated metabolite, is lower at certain times during a female’s menstrual cycle.  One study found that decreased levels of the 7-hydroxylated metabolites of DHEA may be associated with decreased mood and cognitive disturbances during the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle (Duskova, 2011).

DHEA and Weight Loss

The metabolite of DHEA, 7-Keto DHEA, has emerged as an important one for weight loss and decreased fat by increasing a process called thermogenesis. The body’s resting metabolic rate increases, which increases heat in the body, resulting in an energy that increases consumption of calories and burns fat. The physiological mechanism that this is accomplished by is stimulation of fatty acid oxidation.

Research is showing that 7-Keto DHEA is effective AND safe as this metabolite is not converted into testosterone or estrogen. The only theoretical safety concerns about DHEA centers around these conversion issues. Where testosterone and estrogen therapies have caused concern, DHEA is been given similar caution. Very few natural products improve basal metabolism; however, 7-keto DHEA caused a slight but significant rise in thyroid hormones in men during the treatment period, however levels declined to basal levels after treatment was stopped (Hampl, Sulcova, 2006). Resting metabolic rates were increased 1.4% in overweight adults using 7-Keto DHEA (Zenk, 2007). 

I use 7-Keto DHEA to improve short term weight loss when used in combination of other dietary and lifestyle therapies. In regards to using DHEA itself rather than the 7-Keto metabolite, I strongly urge the use of testing and retesting to promote safe use. DHEA and DHEA-S can be measured via blood for relatively low cost and should be ordered with either a traditional or advanced (VAP) lipid panel. Unbound DHEA can be monitored via salivary panels as well.


1.      Duskova M, Simunkova K, Hill M, Starka L. 7-hydroxylated derivatives of dehydroepiandrosterone as possibly related to menstrual mood change in healthy women. Endocr Regul. 2011 Jul; 45(3):131-7

2.      Genazzani AR, Stomati M, Valentino V, Pluchino N, Pot E, Casarosa E, Merlini S, Giannini A, Luisi M. Effect of 1-year, low-dose DHEA therapy on climacteric symptoms and female sexuality. Climacteric. 2011 Dec;14(6):661-8.

3.      Hampl R, Sulcová J, Bílek R, Hill M. How short-term transdermal treatment of men with 7-oxo-dehydroepiandrosterone influence thyroid function. Physiol Res. 2006; 55(1):49-54.

4.      Yasui T, Matsui S, Tani A, Kunimi K, Yamamoto S, Irahara M. Androgen in postmenopausal women. J Med Invest. 2012;59(1-2):12-27.

5.      Zenk JL, Frestedt JL, Kuskowski MA. HUM5007, a novel combination of thermogenic compounds, and 3-acetyl-7-oxo-dehydroepiandrosterone: each increases the resting metabolic rate of overweight adults. J Nutr Biochem. 2007 Sep; 18(9):629-34.