Thursday, December 6, 2012

DesBio hA2cg Weight-Management Program - December 18th Webinar

Topic: Prepare your patients for a successful new year with the DesBio hA2cg Weight-Management Program - December 18th

Details: Join Dr. Bruce Shelton, MD, Chief Medical Adviser for DesBio, a world-class homeopathic MD and current President of the Arizona Homeopathic and Integrative Medical Association. We will also be joined by Clair Dainard MS, CN and DesBio's Director of Practitioner Support who will focus on the nutritional issues during the webinar.

Why the DesBio Evolution Weight-Management Program?
- Since its introduction, over 100,000 patients have successfully completed the Evolution Weight-Management Program.
- Utilizes the power of hA2cg Evolution. This patent-pending formula is the only product to incorporate the bioidentical versions of the two active peptide chains in the hCG molecule. While other formulas contain non-specific amino acid blends, hA2cg Evolution uses the science of the actual molecule to more directly signal the body.
- Two programs to help your patients be successful. Developed by our team of practitioners, the DesBio program features a 500 calorie option and a 1000 calorie option to suit your patients' individual needs.
- A complete suite of supporting products, exclusively distributed by Evolving Nutrition, to help your patients achieve weight-management success.

Date: Tuesday, December 18th, 2012
5:00 p.m. PST (8:00 p.m. EST)

If you are interested in registering, you can contact our Customer Service Department at (800) 456-0891 or you can email us info@evolvingnutrition and we will add you to our list of attendees.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Thinking Twice About Testosterone Replacement

Thinking Twice About Testosterone Replacement, by Dr Corey Schuler 

Testosterone replacement therapy can be a necessary medical intervention in some men for conditions such as sexual dysfunction, depression, and chronic fatigue. However, there are known risks. Popularity of testosterone prescriptions are skyrocketing, but who is it safest for and who is at the greatest risk of early cardiovascular death and heart attack? How do consumers make decisions in combination with their doctor without knowing the consequences? Ultimately you have to rely on the experience and knowledge of your provider, but having the right information in front of you can only help the decision process.

In a recent publication from Endocrine Today, evidence suggests that a new subset of men should not use testosterone replacement therapy. Men with obstructive coronary artery disease have higher risk of death and heart attack when using testosterone replacement therapy.

But that leaves some questions, doesn't it? What if you've had a coronary angiograph which confirmed obstruction or perhaps had an angioplasty or stent to correct obstruction and also have confirmed or suspected low testosterone levels? Are you just out of luck with no therapy for the hormone imbalance?

Symptoms of hormone imbalance in aging men are not limited to sexual dysfunction. Rather, depression, poor sleep, poor recovery from activity, poor stamina, libido (sex drive), lack of energy, and decreased strength and performance may all be symptoms of hormone imbalance. We also note that stress and poor blood sugar control can deteriorate men's hormones at an accelerated rate as well. Does this sound familiar? If so, read on.

We often suggest lifestyle modification such as weight loss, stopping smoking, and increasing exercise, especially activities such as weight training and sprinting to improve hormone balance in aging men, but the reality is that besides stopping smoking, these are quite tall orders for those who have obstructive coronary artery disease. Thirty minutes of weight lifting or daily sprinting probably isn't going to be approved by the cardiologist or cardiac rehab therapist. Not to mention that poor hormone balance often makes losing weight difficult.

Getting back to the basics of health, the pillars of good living, may be the answer along with specific products to support hormone balance.

From a diet perspective, adequate protein is an absolute must to stop the breakdown of muscle in aging men. Supplemental protein shakes are often a good way to go if appetite isn't great or cooking isn't your strong suit. If you can tolerate whey protein, it seems to be one of the best sources. It raises glutathione levels which is important from an antioxidant perspective and also contains branch chain amino acids which support muscle health. Vegan protein powders are a bit easier on the body. These contain hemp, pea, and/ or rice but often times are much lower in protein content. Shoot for 20 grams per shake. Nuts and seeds provide excellent protein from plant sources as well. Vegetable and plant nutrients cannot be understated for general heart health and all doctors and practitioners should be encouraging this behavior.

From a dietary supplement side, Revolution Macalibrium is a tested formula of specific phenotypes of maca (Lepidium peruvianum). Maca has a rich history of supporting men's hormone health; however, research has shown that there are specific phenotypes ideal for men’s hormonal health. Revolution Macalibrium not only has these exact phenotypes but has concentrated levels of the full spectrum of active constituents ten to twenty times higher than the levels found in raw maca which is why doctors and patients are getting such strong results quickly. This is a foundational product that works through the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis to help a man make his own hormones versus relying on hormones from outside of the body. A man's own hormones made by him is much safer since nothing is more natural than your own hormones.

Omega-3 fatty acids, especially those rich in EPA and DHA are recommended. If a man has high triglycerides, the American Heart Association suggest 2.4 grams of EPA + DHA per day. This seems like a prudent suggestion for all men facing either hormone imbalance, obstructive coronary artery disease, or life in the modern world. Reducing inflammation and supporting cell membrane health are just two well known mechanisms of omega-3 fatty acids and since the human body doesn't make its own omega-3's it has to rely on us to ingest them every day. I prefer high EPA products. Some products contains as much as 1060 mg of EPA and 274 mg of DHA per 2 capsules. Two capsules twice per day is ideal to hit this goal dose of 2.4 grams. Be wary of lower doses or you'll end up taking 8 capsules per day. Many products will contain 180 mg of EPA and 120 mg of DHA. This is perhaps suitable for the percentage of the population that gets nearly adequate dietary omega-3 fatty acids and is already healthy.

Other interventions and supplements may be indicated given your history and complicating factors, and in that case we recommend working with a doctor who understands your condition and also natural approaches. Click here to find a practitioner close to you.

So, if you know a man considering testosterone replacement and also has obstructive coronary artery disease, arm them with this important information so he can make an empowered decision.

To review Natural Health International's Revolution Pro, please visit the following link to our website:

If you have additional questions, please contact us at (800) 458-0891, ext 23 or via email at . We are always here to help!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Aloe Goes Beyond the Burn

Chances are you’ve slathered a cooling aloe vera gel over a searing sunburn. Perhaps you’ve even cracked open an aloe plant leaf and drizzled its milky juice directly onto inflamed or dry, itchy skin. Information found in states that topically applied, aloe’s soothing benefits are widely known—and have been extolled by nurturing grandmothers for decades. But the plant harnesses a host of other potential applications for health and wellness. Naturopaths and herbalists have long touted its ability to ease constipation, flush toxins from the body, tackle gastric problems and even help lower blood sugar when consumed orally as a supplement or a juice. According to the American Botanical Council, there are more than 300 species of aloe plants that grow all around the world. Because its documented use dates back to the ancient Egyptians, who dubbed aloe the “plant of immortality,” and spans much of the globe, botanists aren’t entirely sure where the genus originated. Regardless, the species commonly grown and used for medicinal purposes in America are those familiar perennials with fleshy, dark green, upright leaves with serrated edges.

Aloe plants contain gel which is the translucent, gooey substance packed into the inner leaf. Aloe gel contains active compounds that help temper inflammation and block bacteria from infecting damaged and vulnerable organs—including our biggest organ, the skin. Gel constituents are also thought to aid in cell regeneration, resulting in faster healing times. For these reasons, aloe enthusiasts swear by gel and gel-based topical products’ healing prowess.

Research largely supports aloe’s effectiveness in these areas. One study published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine in June 2010 found that aloe cream reduced patients’ postoperative pain, sped wound healing and cut the need for analgesic painkillers significantly more than placebo. As for burns, a trial published in the journal Surgery Today in July 2009 found that second-degree burn patients given an aloe gel–based cream healed more quickly than those treated with topical silver sulfadiazine.

Just as aloe gel shows promise in soothing and healing skin, preliminary research suggests it may also protect against and help heal gastric ulcers. According to a study published in the World Journal of Gastroenterology in April 2006, aloe vera, given internally, reduced gastric inflammation and sparked ulcer healing in mice. And research detailed in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology in July 2004 found that aloe protects mucous membranes in the gastric systems of mice from injury.

Another promising benefit of taking aloe internally is its antidiabetic effects. Research findings on aloe’s impact on blood glucose and triglyceride levels have been inconsistent, but a paper published in the Saudi Pharmaceutical Journal in July 2009 points to several studies that support the plant’s blood sugar-lowering effects in patients with type 2 diabetes. In their own trial, the authors found that an aloe vera extract resulted in lower triglyceride and glucose levels within four and six weeks, respectively, in a small sampling of diabetic patients.

Evolving Nutrition offers Aloe Vera in the form of a softgel from Protocol For Life Balanceand can be ordered by contacting a customer service representative at (800) 458-0891. To read additional information on this supplement, you may visit our website HERE for product details and additional nutritional facts.
If you have questions about aloe or would like to reach out to a consultant at L'BRI PURE n' NATURAL, please contact Kathy Stubbs (Senior Consultant and Certified Skin Care Consultant) at or you can visit her website at!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Natural Health International Presents - Libido in Men: Taboo or Critical Information?

A Natural Health International Teleseminar: Libido in Men: Taboo or Critical information?

Oftentimes, patients and practitioners alike assign decreased libido to aging. Aging is normal. However, not all symptoms associated with it are! Some quality of life markers such as libido and others may even be warning signs of other more pressing risks or conditions.

Join Natural Health International on September 20th, 2012 at 5:00 PST for a preview of Dr. Schuler's
topic at the Pennsylvania Association of Naturopathic Physicians 2012 convention.

Clinical Rounds, presented by Corey Schuler, MS, DC, CNS, LN, National Medical Educator for Natural Health International, will highlight the advantages of a motivational interviewing style to a man's medical history as well as therapeutic approaches that address multiple systems.

Clinical Rounds is a live teleseminar not a webinar. Go to to
register. You must be registered to receive the archived audio.

Do You Suffer From Hormone Imbalance?

Do you suffer from hormone imbalance?

Changes in menstrual cycle, low libido, infertility, depression, menopause or andropause symptoms, PCOS, erectile dysfunction, poor workout recovery, poor energy, poor sleep, acne, heart disease, and ...osteoporosis all can be due to hormone imbalance.
Hormone imbalance can be rooted in stress and toxic exposures.

Bisphenol A (BPA) is now a known endocrine disruptor. Here are some tips to reduce your exposure.

1) Reduce your exposure, especially in plastics. Also cans such as canned foods. It's terribly inconvenient to reduce the amount of plastic in your life. Just do what you can. Especially try to keep your food and water away from any plastic. Use metal or glass or ceramic instead.

2) Help your liver to detoxify and intestines to get healthier so they can do a better job of getting rid of the BPA and other environmental chemicals. A healthier diet that is high in fiber will greatly aid this process.

3) You could get tested to see if you have high levels of BPA. If your levels are high, consult with an "environmental medicine" doctor for a program to get rid of it. 

 4) Educate yourself about possible occupational exposure. For example, if you handle thermal paper, dental sealants or certain medical supplies and equipment, either wear gloves or as your employer if they contain BPA.
This article was taken from our vendor, Natural Health International. If you have any questions about what was mentioned here, please contact us directly at (800) 458-0891.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Upcoming Webinar Events

Evolving Nutrition and Zycal Bioceuticals have partnered to bring you an Evolving Nutrition Webinar Event. If you are a licensed health care professional and would be interested in learning more about Ostinol and how it can help your patients, please click on the HERE to register for one of the offered webinar times.

Discover Ostinol - Bone and Cartilage Stimulating Proteins

Ostinol, a natural osteoinductive protein-complex with Bone Morphogenetic Proteins (BMPs), activates and transforms stem cells into osteoblasts and chondrocytes for bone and cartilage growth. The BMPs in Ostinol are backed by decades of surgical use as well as years of safe, effective oral use.

Ostinol represents a paradigm in bone and joint health; a Nutrigenomic approach to steam cell activation. To learn more about Ostinol, the science of osteoinductive proteins and their applications, please join us for this special webinar.

To register for this webinar, please click HERE . If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our customer service department at (800) 458-0891 or via email at We look forward to speaking with you and partnering with you in your nutraceutical needs!

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Endocrine Health by Joseph Wessels, ND

The endocrine system influences almost every cell, system, and function of the body.  It works with the nervous system, reproductive system, kidneys, gut, liver, pancreas, and fat to help maintain and control homeostasis, body energy levels, reproduction, growth and development, and responses to surroundings, stress, and injuries.  In this month’s newsletter, we’re going to address two specific glands of the endocrine system that we see in our practice: the thyroid and the adrenals.
The thyroid, a small butterfly shaped gland located just above the collarbone is one of the essential parts of the endocrine system.  This gland produces thyroid hormones whose main job is to regulate metabolism.  These hormones affect every system in our body and help to control its functions.  The function of the thyroid gland is to take iodine from foods and convert it into thyroid hormones, mainly thyroxine (T4) and triodothyronine (T3).  These cells combine iodine and the amino acid tyrosine to make T4 and T3.  Every cell in the body depends on T4 and T3 for regulation of their metabolism.  The thyroid gland, in turn is measured by a test called the thyroid stimulating hormone or TSH.  Under the influence of the TSH, the thyroid will manufacture and secrete the T4 and T3.

In the United States, over 25 million people are diagnosed with some type of thyroid disorder and it is estimated more than 15 million may have an undiagnosed thyroid problem.  In addition, a majority of thyroid problems may be caused by autoimmune factors.

The adrenal glands are tiny organs that rest on the top of each kidney.  They’re comprised of two parts, the cortex and the medulla.  The medulla or the inner part of the adrenal gland, produces the hormones norepinephrine and epinephrine, which regulate the “fight or flight” response.  The cortex produces several hormones that affect blood pressure and blood sugar.  The hormones produced by the adrenal glands must respond to all stresses including illness, substance abuse and chronic health conditions.
In practice these two conditions, hypothyroidism and hypoadrenia or adrenal fatigue, can present in various ways.  Symptoms of fatigue, weight gain or weight loss, hair loss, anxiety, constipation, dry skin, high cholesterol, cold hands and feet, low libido, chronic low-grade depression, heart problems, and acne may all be related to low thyroid or low adrenal function.

A detailed case history, thorough physical examination, and lab testing can confirm the diagnosis.  Once this step is completed, there are a number of options available to the practitioner to start a treatment program for the patient.
Tyrosine and iodine both provide support for the thyroid as stated above to make T4 and T3.  The pituitary and hypothalamus are also important for optimal thyroid support.  BioThyro contains all of these plus thyroxine free thyroid support and magnesium, zinc, and copper which are known to support thyroid function.

In most cases of endocrine dysfunction, the adrenals must also be supported.  BioGenesis has three excellent products to support adrenal function.  BioAdaptogen ULTRA, which is a vegetarian formula for adrenal fatigue, provides the adaptagonic herbs licorice, ginseng, ashwaganda, and rhodiola.  This is an excellent formula for your stressed out patient.  BioAdreno contains glandular extract of adrenal cortex and vitamin C and pantothenic acid.  This is a good product to use for rebuilding stressed adrenal glands.  For full-spectrum support, Adrenal Support Plus offers a comprehensive vitamin, mineral and herbal support, as well as the hormones DHEA and pregnenolone for the adrenal cortex and medulla.
As with any alternative protocol for treating the endocrine system it is important to take into account the patients diet and lifestyle habits.

*This article was given to us by BioGenesis and first published in their August 2012 newsletter

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Have you checked Evolving Nutrition's website? Visit for comprehensive nutrition based products, and if you are a health care professional, sign up for an online account for an EXCLUSIVE OFFER!

Click HERE to set up an online account!

Friday, February 3, 2012

Protein Shake Receipe

We recently received a recipe for a protein shake using BioGenesis UltraLean! One of our practitioners had created this recipe at home and raved about how great it tasted. He asked that we pass it along so that others could enjoy it as well!

What you will need:
8 ounces of brewed coffee
2 scoops BioGenesis Vanilla UltraLean
5 almonds or 1 tablespoon of almond butter
crushed ice

Mix 8 ounces of brewed coffee, 2 scoops of BioGenesis Vanilla UltraLean, 5 almonds or 1 tablespoon of almond butter in a blender. Add crushed ice until you have reached the consistency that you desire. Poor into a glass and enjoy!

If you have any protein shake or smoothie recipes that you think taste great, please share them with us! We would love to feature your recipe on our blog - email your information and shake recipe to

Friday, January 13, 2012

BioGenesis UltraLean - January Promo

Evolving Nutrition is excited to announce our January promotion! Purchase any combination of 5 BioGenesis UltraLean Functional Food and get 1 canister FREE (your choice of flavor)! 

Simply contact one of our trained customer service representative at (800) 458-0891 to place your order and choose your FREE UltraLean Functional Food.

UltraLean Functional Food, is designed to enhance fat loss while preserving lean tissue to support healthy body composition.

  • Specialty nutrients are added to enhance fat metabolism and blood sugar balance.
  • Therapeutic levels of B vitamins.
  • Contains mineral citrates and malates for mitochondrial support.
  • Available in Chocolate, Vanilla, Strawberry Banana & Vegan Vanilla.

For more information on this product, please click here UltraLean - Chocolate

We value your business and look forward to hearing from you soon!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Evolving Nutrition Online Account Is Now Available

Monday, January 2nd, was the "GRAND OPENING" for Evolving Nutrition’s website! When you visit ‘ ‘,  you will be able to find professional grade nutraceutical products 24hrs a day, 7 days a week! You also have the option of calling in and speaking to our team of specially trained customer service representatives Monday through Friday, from 6am – 6pm PST.

To view pricing on our website, please click on the following link to create a new account: . Once you have filled out the required information, a customer service representative will reach out to you with a user id and password.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at (800) 458-0891 or via email at . We are always here to help and we look forward to partnering with you in your nutritional needs!