Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Aloe Vera Barbadensis Jelly

At Evolving Nutrition we often receive calls from practitioners looking for a product to help with everything from mosquito bites, to an itchy rash due to an allergic reaction, or even the dreaded PUPP rash found in pregnancy. While we normally suggest products to help support the immune system, that often times can take longer than a patient is willing to wait for relief. When that is the case, we have often times referred practitioners to the product described below, because two of our employees, who suffer from severe allergic reactions, have reported feeling immediate relief. upon application.

* Please note that we are not affiliated with L'BRI PURE n' NATURAL in any way, we just believe in being as helpful as possible!

 Aloe Vera Barbadensis Jelly is a product no home should be without. Knowledge about Aloe Vera and its healing properties has been passed down from the ancients.  Aloe has been known for hundreds of years as the medicine plant, the healing plant, and also Cleopatra’s beauty secret! It contains 75 nutrients, 200 active compounds, 20 essential minerals, 18 amino acids, and 12 vitamins. The trace minerals, vitamins, especially some important members of the vitamin B family, and the enzymes contained in the gel-like juice found in the inner cells of the plant, perform all the magic.

Used topically, Aloe jelly has been well documented to facilitate the healing of any kind of skin wounds, burns or scalds, and even speeding recovery time after surgery. A pure unadulterated gel speeds the healing of cuts, scrapes, burns, bruises and sprains. Aloe takes the sting away and immediately calms sunburn and insect bites. It works quickly to calm irritated and inflamed skin, instantly taking away the itch. In most cases, using Aloe jelly cuts the healing time right in half!

Aloe Vera works extremely well in fading scar tissue from past burns, old wounds, and suture marks. It also can be used on blisters, rashes, sores, athlete’s foot, allergic reactions, psoriasis, rosacea, eczema, and dry skin.  Simply apply Aloe jelly to affected areas as needed.  For scar tissue, be sure to apply twice daily. Aloe Vera jelly is also recommended as a light weight moisturizer gel to be used on excessively oily skin and blemished skin to control breakouts and speed the healing of blemishes.

Aloe Vera jelly is for all skin types. It penetrates quickly to calm and sooth irritated or inflamed skin.  It acts as a natural bandage to help the healing of blemished skin. No medicine cabinet should be without it!

This is one truly miraculous plant! 

If you have questions about aloe or would like to reach out to a consultant at L'BRI PURE n' NATURAL, please contact Kathy Stubbs (Senior Consultant and Certified Skin Care Consultant) at or you can visit her website at!